Errors? Better avoid them! But without errors, there’s no progress. The key to real growth lies in a positive error culture—one that is built on strengths and trust.
Errors cost time, money, and energy. No wonder so many companies focus on error prevention—with manuals, regulations, and strict controls. But the reality? Errors still happen. And instead of learning from them, they get covered up, delayed, or ignored.
Why? Because admitting errors feels like a threat to our self-worth. The human brain is wired to deny errors—an ancient survival mechanism.
Errors aren’t just obstacles; they’re stepping stones! Thomas Edison once said: “If you’re not successful enough, increase the speed at which you make errors.” Some of the world’s biggest breakthroughs wouldn’t have happened without errors:
Trial and error is a proven learning method. The question is not if errors happen, but how we handle them.
A successful error culture doesn’t mean carelessness—it means a deliberate and constructive approach to errors with the goal of continuous improvement.
From my experience, the best error cultures thrive in teams that know and leverage their strengths. Example:
By recognizing and utilizing personal strengths, trust is built—both in oneself and in the team. Fewer errors happen, and the right people take on the right tasks.
Nothing destroys trust faster than asking: “Who made the error?” This question triggers defensive reactions, blame games, and cover-ups. A much better approach? Ask: “Why did the error happen?”
With this mindset, a healthy and respectful error culture emerges—one that strengthens collaboration, fuels innovation, and drives long-term success.
In the Mission Team Workshop, you’ll learn how to foster a constructive and respectful team culture—even when errors occur! Encourage your team to see errors as learning opportunities—and turn progress into a habit!
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