Visual Implicit Profiler

Why you should not do a personality test

We all know our skills and experiences, but there's another layer to what makes us tick: implicit strengths. These are the natural talents, preferences, and behaviours that work behind the scenes, subtly influencing our actions and decisions.

Here's the twist: sometimes what we think we're good at (being detail-oriented) can be different from what we actually do (focusing on the big picture).

Imagine a game where you see a bunch of images and have to react quickly. This simple task, called an Implicit Association Test (IAT), can actually reveal your unconscious preferences and how you make decisions without even thinking about it!

Our subconscious mind is way more powerful than we realise. It constantly processes information, shapes how we see the world, and influences our choices. By understanding our implicit strengths, we unlock a hidden treasure chest of potential. We discover natural talents we never knew we had and effortless behaviours that contribute to our success.

Science is catching on to this too! The field of behavioural science is realising how important our unconscious mind is. By analysing these hidden patterns, researchers can understand things like consumer behaviour, employee engagement, and even leadership styles.

Isn’t it fantastic to discover that there's a whole other side to you waiting to be explored!

Your not just a category, you are a complex being

So, we talked about these hidden strengths and the value of discovering them. But it's not just about self-discovery, it's about becoming a better version of yourself!

Imagine a salesperson who discovers they're a natural at building rapport. By understanding this strength (thanks to our Visual Implicit Profiler, or VIP!), they can hone their interpersonal skills and connect with clients on a deeper level, leading to more sales wins. Pretty powerful, right?

Here's the thing though: some personality tests try to shove you into neat categories. This can be limiting, especially when it comes to these unconscious strengths. Even our VIP, although it uses visuals to measure these hidden aspects, still relies on a bit of a box-checking system.

Why? Capturing the unconscious is tricky. It's, well, unconscious! Visuals can be helpful, but cramming these unseen strengths into categories can feel inaccurate and inauthentic.

Plus, people are complex! We're not always one simple type. Someone might have a blend of different strengths, and those rigid categories on a VIP test might not reflect that. It can be frustrating if you don't see yourself fitting neatly into any one box.

So, what's the alternative? Instead of analysis, let's focus on synthesis. This means combining different aspects of your strengths and experiences to create a richer picture. Imagine a workshop where you connect scenes from different roles to your own story, relationships, and preferences. It's a more personal and nuanced way to understand yourself.

And here's the key: keep it positive. At Mission Team, our workshops are all about building self-awareness and growth. You can explore your unconscious strengths without feeling like you have to throw away who you already are. It's a constructive and motivating journey to self-discovery, and it can make your whole team stronger in the process.

Understanding Your True Strengths in a New Way

We talked about the Visual Implicit Profiler (VIP) as a tool to explore hidden strengths. While it's helpful, those category boxes can be limiting. There's a new approach that's more like a personal journey than a quiz.

Imagine connecting your story, experiences, and preferences to discover your strengths. This synthesis approach paints a richer picture of who you are and what makes you tick.

Why is this important? Traditional personality tests often rely on what you tell them, which can be biassed or incomplete. We might not even fully understand our own motivations!

Here's where implicit methods come in. These methods, like the VIP, use tools like visuals to bypass your conscious mind and tap into your automatic way of processing information. It's based on the idea that our brains make snap judgments about images before we even realise it, and these judgments can reveal hidden strengths.

There's science behind this too! Studies show that the parts of your brain involved in making quick decisions are also involved in processing visuals. This means how you see things can be linked to how you behave.

The VIP is a good example. It uses simple visuals to uncover behavioural patterns and strengths you might not even know you have.

The bottom line? Implicit methods like the VIP are a powerful tool to understand yourself better. They can reveal hidden strengths, preferences, and how you make decisions. This self-awareness is key to personal growth, career success, and even building a stronger team.

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